Sunday, April 17, 2016

Post #12 Alexander McQueen

Before Alexander McQueen started his own fashion line, he was known for his work in the fashion houses of Louis Vuitton and Givenchy. However McQueen found himself not fitting into the mold for these prestigious designer brands. His designs were something you could call “out of the box” they were something that had never been seen before. McQueen knew he was different but instead of hiding his unique style he set out to make his own brand. 

 By 2000 it was clear that the Alexander McQueen fashion label was promising. Gucci another designer brand decided to buy a percent stake in McQueen’s private company, this was all the small brand, at the time needed in order to grow into the internationally known brand name that it is today.

 Through his clothing Alexander McQueen showed that he was proud to break the customary mold of a successful clothing brand, He pushed the limits and no one can deny that he was truly a person set a new standard for fashion.

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First Podcast

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Post #11 Prada

The Prada fashion line first began in 1913 with Mario Prada who made the line in order to produce well-crafted suitcases, steamer trunks, and handbags for the world’s upper class. 

Soon the business became lethargic and was in need of a change, that change was Miuccia Bianchi Prada. Prada was the youngest granddaughter of Miuccia and in 1978 she inherited the company and set forth a path for redesign.  By 1985 Prada’s popularity skyrocketed with simplistic and sleek designs which compared to her competitors designs, were worlds apart.  Soon Prada was producing women’s and men’s clothing lines, both were a huge success.  It seemed as if Prada was clearing out other large brands, they could simply not compete. 

Prada is it’s own force in the fashion world, the powerhouse company doesn’t play by the rules.  Miuccia Prada doesn’t need another designer to lead her in what she creates, she is known for being bold with her work and downright original with her designs. 

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Post #10 The One and Only Coco Chanel

Before Coco Chanel was known as the icon she is today, she was known for making hats.  Coco Chanel first started off making hats for her own shop in Paris but being the true business woman that she was, she decided to make the leap into designing woman's clothing.  A jersey made into a dress was all it took to make her first run in women's fashion a success.  Her design caused a spark of interest and soon she was designing her jersey dress upon and individuals request. Coco Chanel was even quoted saying "My fortune is built on that old jersey that I'd put on because it was cold in Deauville."  Little did she know at that time, that the jersey was only the beginning of a truly magnificent fashion house.  

Chanel's next triumph came with the launch of Chanel No. 5, which was the first ever perfume to feature the designers name.  Chanel No. 5 was, and still is the perfume known amongst women everywhere as the ultimate accessory.  With each endeavor, Chanel found success and it was only natural for her to again, cause a shift in the fashion industry.  

In a time where fashion was constrictive for a woman, Chanel thought it was time for something different and so was born the legendary collarless jacket.  It was a bold statement, Chanel brought elements of mens fashion into women' was something that had never been seen before.  The appeal of mixing a boyish style and a feminine silhouette is still a staple for the design house today.  It has become their signature and perhaps most recognizable look. It is easy to see that the legendary Coco Chanel still lives on in the designs created today, she was a woman who truly shaped the world of fashion.  

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Post #9 The Woman Behind Vogue

Anna Wintour, the woman who single handedly changed the face of Vogue in America has become one of the deciding factors in what you will see being worn around you.  In 1998 she was named Editor-in-Chief of Vogue, and her reign at the magazine caused a shift in the fashion industry.  Wintour was the first to combine low-end clothing items and luxury ones and call it a trend, she is also known for commemorating unknown fashion designers (at the time) on their unique approach to clothing, such as Alexander McQueen and Marc Jacobs.  Anna Wintour has proved that she is a force to be reckon with in the fashion world, her decisions on what to feature in Vogue magazine can make or break a designers future.  

In the world of fashion it is hard to imagine not having someone to look to for guidance. The ones that tell us what is going to be the next “it” style, and which designers will be leading the empire that is the fashion industry.  This is exactly what Anna Wintour has made of herself, she is that enlightenment to millions of style seekers across the world.  Simply put, her influence is undeniable which is why she is so important to our fashion culture today.  

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Post #8 Christian Louboutin: Seeing Red

All it took was a sign for Christian Louboutin to find his passion. While visiting a museum a sign on the outside of the entrance read, “High heel shoes are not permitted”.  He had never seen and shoe like that and soon he became infatuated with creating his own designs. Christian learned all there was to know about shoes while working at a cabaret, he was in charge of designing shoes for the dancers, and at the time it was a dream job for him.  His creativity flowed through each design, but soon it was clear that it was time to move on.  From there he took his skills and landed a job with Charles Jourdan, a French fashion designer that is best known for his designs of women’s shoes.  After about a year of working as a freelance designer for Jourdan, Christian again made a big decision to move forward in his own personal journey and opened up a shop in Paris, the fashion capital of the world.  

The whirlwind began with the sole, the sole of a shoe that is and a simple nail color. While sitting next to his assistant who was painting her nails a glossy red he had a thought, that thought was to make the outer soles of his shoes red for the season.  Suddenly the shoes with the red bottoms were more than just the fad of the season.  Customers began asking him to not stop, the red bottoms of shoes became and iconic symbol attracting the like of Princess Caroline of Manoca and the ever popular Madonna, strutting in his sky high stilettos during her music videos.  

The demand of Christian Louboutin shoes has not faded away.  They have become a symbol in the fashion world, a mere glimpse of the the red sole screams only one name “Louboutin”. Ranging anywhere form $400 to $6,000 dollars, these shoes are not modest in price nor design, yet there is an appeal that is undeniable and goes deeper than just the color of the iconic red sole.  

Photo Credit: In Order of Appearance