Sunday, April 10, 2016

Post #10 The One and Only Coco Chanel

Before Coco Chanel was known as the icon she is today, she was known for making hats.  Coco Chanel first started off making hats for her own shop in Paris but being the true business woman that she was, she decided to make the leap into designing woman's clothing.  A jersey made into a dress was all it took to make her first run in women's fashion a success.  Her design caused a spark of interest and soon she was designing her jersey dress upon and individuals request. Coco Chanel was even quoted saying "My fortune is built on that old jersey that I'd put on because it was cold in Deauville."  Little did she know at that time, that the jersey was only the beginning of a truly magnificent fashion house.  

Chanel's next triumph came with the launch of Chanel No. 5, which was the first ever perfume to feature the designers name.  Chanel No. 5 was, and still is the perfume known amongst women everywhere as the ultimate accessory.  With each endeavor, Chanel found success and it was only natural for her to again, cause a shift in the fashion industry.  

In a time where fashion was constrictive for a woman, Chanel thought it was time for something different and so was born the legendary collarless jacket.  It was a bold statement, Chanel brought elements of mens fashion into women' was something that had never been seen before.  The appeal of mixing a boyish style and a feminine silhouette is still a staple for the design house today.  It has become their signature and perhaps most recognizable look. It is easy to see that the legendary Coco Chanel still lives on in the designs created today, she was a woman who truly shaped the world of fashion.  

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