Sunday, April 17, 2016

Post #12 Alexander McQueen

Before Alexander McQueen started his own fashion line, he was known for his work in the fashion houses of Louis Vuitton and Givenchy. However McQueen found himself not fitting into the mold for these prestigious designer brands. His designs were something you could call “out of the box” they were something that had never been seen before. McQueen knew he was different but instead of hiding his unique style he set out to make his own brand. 

 By 2000 it was clear that the Alexander McQueen fashion label was promising. Gucci another designer brand decided to buy a percent stake in McQueen’s private company, this was all the small brand, at the time needed in order to grow into the internationally known brand name that it is today.

 Through his clothing Alexander McQueen showed that he was proud to break the customary mold of a successful clothing brand, He pushed the limits and no one can deny that he was truly a person set a new standard for fashion.

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